Community Bible Church Grief Share Team:
Community Bible Church is blessed to have the Grief Share ministry as a part of our church! This group meets once a week to help those that are grieving over the loss of a loved one. Each topic is carefully crafted to meet the needs of our group members. Each Grief Share session runs for 13 weeks and will focus on a variety of topics such as: The Challenges of Grief, The Grief Journey, Grief and Your Relationships, Why?, Guilt and Anger, Stuck and even Heaven. While 13 weeks seems like a long time to be devoting to this -- we have found that nearly everyone that attends starts to look forward to their next session and the bond that they create with others that are walking the same path. We will provide all workbooks free of charge!
Simply reach out to one of our coordinators below on our church contact page or Email Frossie Dauer
Jane Fisher
Jane recently went through the Grief Share program as a participant and saw how much this ministry can help others! Jane is anxious to help others on their journey of overcoming grief.
Charlie Hartman
Charlie has a wonderful sense of humor yet he also has compassion for those that are on this Grief Share journey. This is Charlie's second session of assisting with this program and he enjoys working with those that are grieving the loss of a loved one.
Frossie Dauer
Frossie is the Facilitator of our Monday evening Grief Share program. She has been a member of Community Bible Church for over 20 years and has a passion for this ministry!